Fixed Retro Science Vessel selection issues.Fixed an issue where the Gantrithor could build more than 8 Interceptors.Fixed missing red dot indicator of an incoming enemy nuke.Fixed missing Cancel button on Nexus command card.Fixed Dark Swarm so its effects are properly applied to all units under it.Fixed various incorrect player name tags and faction assignments.Fixed an issue with AI attacks where units being dropped in by transports would idle.Fixed broken AI script for building Scarabs and Interceptors that resulted in idle enemy attack waves.Firebat attack range set to 1.5, down from 2 (note: this can be considered a slight buff as the aoe is more likely to hit multiple targets when attacking from max range).Updated Hallucination ability to more closely emulate its original behavior by allowing it to be used on additional proper targets and adding a unique death animation for hallucinations.

Updated Recall ability to more closely emulate its original behavior by allowing other player-controlled race units to be recalled also.Updated Scarab pathfinding to restrict them from going up and down ledges.Updated Spider Mines to more closely emulate their original behavior by triggering on, but not outright revealing, cloaked units.Updated Dark Swarm ability to more closely emulate its original behavior by allowing area of effect damage to still hit through it.New option: Installation Map Third Person Mode - the option to play T04 and Z05 in third person is now in the menu instead of a prompt at map start.
#Starcraft remastered unit portraits how to